Through Many Tribulations

It has been a difficult week. While still processing the gruesome and heartbreaking details of the Boston Marathon bombing, I heard a message on my voicemail telling me that a young girl, a 17 year old named Amanda Winters, died in a car crash on Summit Lake Road. Then, the day after attending her funeral, I received an early morning phone call telling me another young girl, a 15 year old, committed suicide on Harstine Island on Friday night.

The waves of bad news just kept coming in…but thankfully, reminders of God’s good news came in as well.

I was preparing to deliver a sermon from Acts 14. In that passage, Paul is beaten up severely for preaching the Gospel and then—after dusting himself off and tending to his wounds—gives the following reminder to his brothers and sisters in Christ:

Acts 14:22 “…through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.”

It was a timely word for me. It reminded me that “tribulations” are a necessary part of living in this world and that God always brings His people “through” them! He doesn’t bring us into trouble and leave us there. He always carries us through it. As we’re told in Psalm 34:19, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.”

God is committed to our salvation from beginning to end, and in between nothing can separate us from the love of Christ (Rom 8:35-39). His grace saves us and it sustains us—always! Like the famous song Amazing Grace says, “Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home!”

As you are touched by tribulations today, whether distantly or directly, remember God’s gracious commitment to carrying you through them all.